Friday, January 30, 2009

Sakyant Buddhist Tattoo Forums • View topic - The spikes of old
Sak Yant Thai temple Tattoos are going hygienic, at least at ajarn thoy's place in wat tong nai at awn nut soi awn nut 25 - the owner of sak yant website has now obtained a factory to make the sticks which tattooees can buy and take to the Ruesi master who will make your sak yant tattoo with the sterilised new needle you bring yourself. You can also just buy the needles from spencer for 500 baht sterilised and bagged.Contact him on the sak yant forums for info

maisak2.jpg [ 52.19 KiB | Not viewed yet ]
File comment: Portable Hygienic Tattooing Stick
uses disposable needles


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For those who are interested in Thai Buddhist/Animist sorcery and amulet making, there is a new post on my diary blog about the matter, as well as a call for help for an extremely selfless and compassionate monk to build a free food hall for the poor and homeless people to eat free every day all year round (donation info on the blogpost).
Please visit the page and read - you may find out some interesting facts about amulet making too.
How to make Thai Buddhist Amulets - Rare first edition gunstopper amulet for auction

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