Friday, November 28, 2008

Where Crowley went wrong

What caused such a great and genial Magician such as Aleister Crowley have to Die

lonely and sick in a pansion house in Hastings?
What was wrong with his Magick?, his knowledge?

He didn't detach himself from his sangkhara - he didnt observe how the 5 khandas were his lord and master, not his will, as he had always thought.
The practise of Magick without fulfilling the first Adage of the Magician ("Seek and Ye shall find - but first Man, Know Thyself!"), leads to inevitable suffering. Ponder on what the meaning of the words "Know Yourself" mean.
Learn what is Self and Non-Self, Atta and Anatta - consider the five Khandas and our relationship to the perception of these and the 5 senses (or more if you are blessed/cursed enough to posess such abilities/perceptual filters). Consider them and find your true wishes, and vocation - this is your true will.
Once found - take your true will and apply it to the eight paths that are one.
Eight blends into one, which is in turn, nothing.

Dedicated to Zero the Hero


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