Sunday, July 5, 2009

Theatre of Magick - Exeunt


1. Magick is the enemy of religion only when that religion relies on faith since faith is not permitted to ask the question ‘Why?’. The statement that the two paths are enemies should not be understood to infer that either is good or bad since this can only be judged in context by result. It would be as ridiculous for a man whose faith is very strong to attempt the way of the skeptic as it would for the skeptic to force a faith into him self.
2. There is nothing like a war to pull a nation together. United by hatred, a common ideal, fear of danger and fear of the unknown, the nation becomes a powerful, coordinated unit. The greatest advances in science and technology happen in times of crisis when little time or money can be afforded. Artificial crises induced in himself by himself, or, with his permission by others, have the same effects on the individual. These crisis or gnoses may have lasting effects depending on the method used. They need not be dangerous, merely extraordinary, moving his mind to areas he has not previously explored.
3. Thanateros also means ‘poison’.
4. Alternatively he might call upon the archangelic guardians of the Apiru, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Auriel, or the protective goddesses of Khem, Isis, Nepthys, Nekhebet, Vatchet.
5. As a point of interest, Hekat was the frog-goddess of Egypt, the frog being a creature beloved of the traditional western European witch, the adorer of Hecate.

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