Showing posts with label Candle Magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candle Magic. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watch the Thai Brahman/Buddhist ceremony of Tian Chay (victory candle). This is a documentary where the truth of the matter is attempted to be revealed. The documentary makers and the expert who examines the case are baffled and cannot explain how the candle burns and melts at the base when the tip and flame at the top are not yet beginning to melt the wax at all.
The Candle Magick Workbook: Why and How Candle Magick Works
Tian Chay ceremony was a magic spell which Thai armies used to use before entering into battle or War. This was used to win the battle with and makes use of  invoking Deities to help. How does this candle manage to get so hot and melt at the bottom? The candle was examined and found to be a normal candle. Once the candle has shown its strange behavior, the candle is then extinguished in a bowl of blessed water in front of a statue of the Buddha, to symbolize the cessation of Dhukkha (suffering).

Practical Candleburning Rituals: Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series) Advanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series) Candle Magic: A Coveted Collection of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms The Enchanted Candle: Crafting and Casting Magickal Light Wicca Candle Magick (Citadel Library of Mystic Arts)

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