Wednesday, February 4, 2009
One of the primary exercises that one is taught to do when entering the path of the Mage, is to learn and impregnate the 4 laws of cosmic correspondence into ones inner holographic picture of the universe. This is done in a multi dimensional mandala like self conditioning, through various visualisation and analysis programs.
To begin with, one should design a magic circle by drawing the quarters first. After this, one begins to associate various images, aspects, beings, weapons, seasons, directions, signs of the zodiac, etc etc to each quarter assigned according to their qualities. The East, yellow, archangel Raphael, spring, the Dawn, swords, air element, all air element zodiac signs (3 per quarter), Raphale is envisioned standing in the light of sunrise in a yellow robe with golden hair holding a sword.. a yellow candle is lit.. All the other archangels and quarters have their particular magickal weapon and color with all the corresponding qualities, elements, etc.
This practise deepens one's visualisation powers and the resulting mental associations recorded by contemplating and visualising the corresponding aspects of each directional quarter. This will lead to the ability to project and manifest ones visualisations eventually, if one performs and completes the practise correctly In addition to this primary practise, the "middle pillar" exercise is also recommended as a balancing agent, and for memorization purposes as this exercise is almost always performed when performing hermetic ceremonies.
Some of the books below will read you on the right way to learning how to cast a circle, and perform the middle pillar exercise.
Available for a low price on Amazon.Com
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